Sunday 31 July 2016

Shock as Pope Francis Declares ‘Great Majority’ of Catholic Marriages Invalid

Pope Francis has been recently quoted as saying that “The great majority of our sacramental marriages are null,” in a spontaneous response to a question on what the Catholic Church should do concerning the “crisis of marriage”, generating another argument over Catholic teaching.

 'It is the culture of the provisional. And this occurs all over, also in sacred life, in spiritual life,' the pope said after n statement at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, where a diocesan conference on families was being held.

“It’s temporary, and due to this the majority of our sacramental unions are worthless because they say 'Yes', for the rest of their lives!” but they are unaware of what they are saying. They say it with a good will, but they don’t know what it really means,” said Francis.

 However, the pontiff’s remarks were later reviewed, and the Vatican’s official record of the pope’s comments substituted a part for the vast majority.

Vatican's official representative Fr. Federico Lombardi said that when some subjects of a certain importance are touched on, the revised text is always submitted to the Pope himself, and that this is what happened in the above case, so the published text was particularly permitted by the Pontiff.

Pope Francis further said that while he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he prohibited his diocesan priest from performance of ‘religious marriages which were termed to be marriages organized and held in a hurry’ when the bride is expectant (pregnant), because they are not free!

 Marriages are in a crisis because the couples do not know what the sacrament is: it is not known that it is indissoluble, it is not known that it’s for a lifetime.

However, the pope’s original wording ignited debate among some Catholics. R. R. Reno, an editor of First Things has been quoted saying 'He has similar said things in the past. I don’t quite know where to start in expressing my

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Shock as Pope Francis Declares ‘Great Majority’ of Catholic Marriages Invalid
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